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Josh Horton

Miller Creek Marketing

Blog Post by Josh Horton

Choosing the Best Proposal Software for Your Business

The proposal creation and sharing processes obviously require significant time and effort, though proposal software helps automate these processes.
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Five Steps for Creating Your First Email

HubSpot provides the tools necessary for crafting an email that is clear, concise, creative, and compelling.
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Creating Your First HubSpot Workflow

The HubSpot Workflows Tool allows you to automate various processes while efficiently maintaining your CRM without being slowed down by mundane tasks.
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Four Steps for Developing Deal Pipelines

It's best to manage customer relationships using pipelines, which represent the stage that starts with the rep's initial contact and ends with the close.
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Cleaning Your Data Within HubSpot

HubSpot Data Cleaning is the process of updating inaccurate, incomplete, and/or irrelevant data within lists and databases using a data cleaning program.
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Setting Up Your Sales Reps in HubSpot

HubSpot CRM is an incredibly powerful platform that revolutionizes business processes for companies.
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Building Segmented Lists in HubSpot for Your Team

HubSpot provides marketing and sales teams with unparalleled insight into prospects and customers.
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Choosing the Best HubSpot Subscription for Your Business

HubSpot features several subscription options that benefit companies of all shapes, sizes, and goals.
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The Best HubSpot Certification Courses for Your Team

HubSpot Academy offers nearly 500 courses across six categories, making it one of the most robust online learning platforms from a software company.
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